Horror-punk (English Horror punk) - a subgenre of punk rock emerged in the late 1970s in the United States, with the formation of The Misfits, and mixing text and image, drawn in science fiction and horror films, the musical foundation early punk rock, doo-vopa and to a lesser degree, rockabilly.
Bands playing horror-punk use in his lyrics supernatural creatures (vampires, zombies, werewolves, ghosts), horror stories are common references to horror movies, this is not without humor. Horror punk is a thriving underground genre with fans in different parts of the world and with its music festivals, such as the Fiend Fest. An invaluable contribution to the development of style, and subculture in general, made by the German label FiendForce Records.
In Europe, it is considered that as an independent style of horror-punk, appeared in the early 2000s, charges in Germany, because of the popularity of sound and style that was brought to the greatest, the reunited band The Misfits, and their albums, American Psycho and Famous Monsters.
The famous Russian band "The King and the Clown" also performs songs in the style of horror-punk . The lyrics of their songs are often featured vampires, zombies, werewolves and other evil spirits, and the structure of the text is in the nature of fantasy, short stories, complete stories.